Physical therapy tailored to the specific needs of the very young.


Pediatric Physical Therapy

Prompt will now be offering pediatric physical therapy services. Pediatric physical therapy aims at improving a child’s mobility through strengthening, stretching, gait training, and balance and coordination training as well as providing education and training to caregivers and parents.

Dr. Danielle Wilson, PROMPT Pediatric Physical Therapist

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She has worked with various populations including children with cerebral palsy, spina bifida, down syndrome, brain injuries, genetic conditions, autism, torticollis, developmental delay and more. She has over five years of experience working in pediatrics in outpatient as well as seeing patients in their home. She is passionate about providing education on how to promote development and function through play and everyday activities. Danielle’s goal is to use her expertise as a physical therapist and experience as a mom to help your child develop optimally through each milestone using simple techniques you can incorporate in your everyday play.

Baby girl interacting with toys  for a physical therapy evaluation.

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