Vestibular and Balance Dysfunction

Many people suffer with dizziness and balance disorders that can lead to falls and reduce ability to participate in normal activities. The vestibular system consists of 5 sensory organs in the inner ear which detect head motion. The vestibular system also assists with maintaining balance along with the visual and musculoskeletal systems

A thorough subjective and objective examination is required to diagnose the specific causes of symptoms in patients experiencing dizziness and imbalance in order to determine the treatments needed. These treatments may include canalith repositioning maneuvers to get rid of vertigo, vestibular rehabilitation therapy to reduce blurred vision with head movement, and strengthening/balance exercise to improve balance and reduce fall risk.

Through personalized evaluation and treatment we are able to help people just like you get rid of vertigo, improve balance, and get back to their valued activities with confidence.

dizziness and balance

dizziness and balance