Karla Gander

I had surgery on my right knee in June 1, 2023, to repair two completely rupture ligaments - ACL and PCL. I went from running back to back half marathons and 30-40 mile weeks to nothing.

I give full credit for my comeback to Paul Wilson at Prompt Physical Therapy and Endurance. Paul got me started on PT with strength and motion exercises, and slowly (SO SLOWLY!!), helped me build my strength and endurance. After 8 weeks, I was finally able to walk. And just over four months from the surgery, Paul was confident that he had helped me build up enough strength to start running again. When I was closer to where I wanted to be with running, he switched more to a personal trainer to help me get stronger and build muscle for my one year post-surgery goal: Ironman 70.3 in Des Moines, Iowa.

Crossing the finish line on June 9, 2024, one year and one week after my surgery was…simply amazing. To have a goal for a year, and then to achieve it, it was beyond what I had imagined. I stood still long enough for a very kind volunteer to remove my timing chip and then I sat in a chair in the recovery area and just cried. I couldn’t believe I did it. I still can’t believe I did it. And I know that I wouldn’t have made it all of those miles without Paul and Prompt Physical Therapy and Endurance.


Dean Cates


Bryan Terrill